Collection: Winter Sports

We are the Landing Airbag specialist

Nairbag® makes freestyle skiing and snowboarding safe and accessible to everyone, but that is just the beginning! Nairbag® has become an all-season attraction that can be used to create many thrilling, unforgettable and unique activities to help differentiate your ski resort from the others.

The highly advanced Topsheet material with ride-away technology combines essential properties such as strength, durability, flexibility and elasticity. It is neither grippy, nor abrasive allowing you to land and ride away even with sharp ski and snowboard edges. Overall, the use of snow airbag landings has revolutionized the safety of winter sports, providing athletes with a safer and more enjoyable experience.

  • Coaches & athletes

    The Nairbag® is recognised as a key training element to help future and present international athletes improve and develop. High performance teams such as the British and Italian Olympic teams use the BigAirBag Landing to help their athletes prepare for the competitions and redefine their limits

  • Resort owners & resort managers

    Whether your skiers are at the stage of negotiating their first blue run or are fully-pledged pros trying to perfect a new challenging trick, we have a variety of Nairbag® products to suit every age and level of ability.

    It also provides an ideal opportunity for outdoor advertising. Doubling up as a giant interactive billboard, the Nairbag® offers replaceable branding spaces in high definition, full-colour print. It’s the coolest advertising spot for partners and sponsors to get their messages seen.

  • Entrepreneur

    With just one Nairbag®, your business can create a variety of safe, unique and exciting activities for your customers. Wherever you position the Nairbag®, it is a guaranteed crowd pleaser! People from all age groups will flock from far and wide for a chance to have a go or to just sit and watch all the excitement unfold.